Liquid Nitrogen Instructions
Cryosurgery Overview
Cryosurgery involves the use of liquid nitrogen to destroy precancerous or symptomatic benign skin growths. Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of about 300°F below zero. When liquid nitrogen is applied, the skin will turn white, then slowly redden, and swelling may occur. Some stinging is expected during the treatment and for about 5-10 minutes afterward, but this will subside. Swelling may also occur 24-48 hours after treatment. A clear fluid-filled blister may form, and it is recommended to leave the blister alone and not pop it, should one occur.
Post-Treatment Care
Healing Time: Normal healing usually takes 7-10 days. The treated areas don't need to be bandaged unless preferred for comfort.
Washing: Wash the area daily with soap and water. Showering is OK.
Blister Care: If a blister forms, leave it alone. Do not pop it.
Scabbing: After the first day or two, crusting or scabbing may appear. Apply Vaseline or Aquaphor to encourage proper wound healing. Do not pick at the scab; let it fall off naturally.
Skin Coloration: It's normal for pinkness to remain for weeks to months after treatment.
Multiple Treatments: If the lesion doesn’t appear to fall off as it should, call the office, as some lesions may require multiple treatments.
Infection Concerns: Call the office if symptoms of infection occur, such as severe pain, pus drainage, warmth in the area, or any other unusual symptoms.